Developer to Software Architect - Part 2 Database Developer

$398.09 incl. vat


duration: 24 hours |

Language: English (US) |

access duration: 365 days |


In the Developer to Software Architect learning path, you will explore the roles of developer, database developer, full stack developer and software architect. You'll explore programming languages, frameworks, and tools such as Java, Spring Web MVC, JDBC, and Redis.

This is the second part of the Developer to Software Architect learning path. This part focuses on the role of Database Developer.

The main focus is on Java database connectivity using JDBC and Java Persistence API (JPA) with hibernate.

In this part of the learning path, you will find several training courses that will prepare you to get started as a Database Developer.


After completing the second part of the learning path, you will have enough tools to start working as a Database Developer. You have knowledge of Java database connectivity (JDBC) and you can work with Java Persistence API and hibernate. Finally, you are ready to start with part 3 of this learning path.


You have completed part 1 of this learning path.

Target audience

Software Developer, Web Developer


Developer to Software Architect - Part 2 Database Developer

24 hours

JDBC: An Introduction to Java Database Connectivity

  • Before getting your hands dirty with Java Database Connectivity

  • (JDBC), it is important to recognize its purporse and the options
  • it has to offer - and this is exactly what this course provides. It
  • first lays a theoretical foundation in terms of the need for JDBC,
  • the various pieces which come together to let your app connect to a
  • database, as well as their features and use cases. You will cover
  • topics such as JDBC drivers, JDBC objects such as Statement ,
  • ResultSet, and RowSet, and then connect a Java app to a
  • database.

JDBC: Executing Statements

  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) offers a number of ways in

  • which SQL queries can be executed using a number of built-in
  • objects. This demo-based course covers the use of the fundamental
  • JDBC objects required to set up and manage database connections
  • from a Java app and to execute queries. You will cover the use of
  • Properties objects to load connection details, and then the use of
  • the Statement and PreparedStatement instances to run SELECT,
  • INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE queries against a database from a Java
  • app.

JDBC: Working with ResultSets & Query Batches

  • ResultSets allow SELECT query results to be processed

  • systematically in a Java app while executing INSERT and UPDATE
  • queries can be handled efficiently with query batches. This is very
  • much a hands-on course and gets into the nitty-gritty of processing
  • large volumes of data using JDBC. You will cover a lot of features
  • of the ResultSet object - from its navigability to its ability to
  • update data. You will also optimize updates by running them in a
  • batch, and cover the implementations of atomic transactions when
  • using JDBC.

JDBC: RowSet

  • The JDBC RowSet offers the same functionality as a ResultSet

  • with several useful additional features. This course involves a
  • number of demos covering different RowSet types. You will explore
  • the features of the JdbcRowSet which is a type of connected RowSet
  • and is similar to a ResultSet. You will then cover different
  • flavors of disconnected RowSets - from the CachedRowSet and the
  • WebRowSet to performing offline joins using the JoinRowSet and
  • filtering rows using the FilteredRowSet.

JDBC: Advanced Topics

  • When building Java apps which interact with a database, you may

  • need to work with stored procedures and also large binary objects.
  • The goal of this course is to give you hands-on experience with the
  • handling of binary and text data and working with stored
  • procedures. You will load image and text files from your file
  • system to a database using JDBC, and will then do the reverse
  • operations. You will also create and execute a variety of stored
  • procedures from a Java app.

Java Persistence API: Getting Started With JPA & Hibernate

JPA, or the Java Persistence API, is focused on persistence. Persistence can refer to any mechanism by which Java objects outlive the applications that created them. JPA is not a tool, or a framework, or an actual implementation.

In this course, you'll explore the basic ideas behind object-relational mapping, where entities and relationships expressed in an object-oriented framework are mapped to records and tables in a relational database.

You'll examine the basic features of the JPA and Hibernate frameworks. You'll then practice how to get set up with the MySQL database, the MySQL Workbench, and Apache Maven to manage dependencies in your Java application.

Java Persistence API: Configuring Fields & Performing CRUD Operations

In this course, you'll explore how primary keys can be set up for the tables underlying your entities and how you can manage the configuration of individual columns in your database columns using JPA annotations. You'll learn how to perform create, read, update, and delete operations using the JPA entity manager.

Once you're done with this course, you'll be able to structure your entities and their attributes based exactly on your specifications and perform basic storage and retrieval operations using JPA and Hibernate.

Java Persistence API: Mapping & Configuring Relationships

In this course, you'll explore the various kinds of relationships that you might want to express using JPA annotations and how these relationships map to relational table design. You'll examine unidirectional as well as bidirectional one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many relationships.

Once you're done with this course, you'll be able to model and express real-world relationships between your entities using JPA annotations. Finally, you'll learn how to finely manipulate how you want these relationships configured using underlying database tables.

Java Persistence API: Embedding Collections & Managing Cascade Operations

In this course, you'll explore how nested collections within an outer entity can be mapped using JPA. You'll implement mappings for collections of primitive types, embeddable objects, and collections of entities. You'll examine how JPA and Hibernate handle list, set, and map collections.

Next, you'll relate how specific operations such as entity persistence, update, and removal can be cascaded from parent entities to child entities and illustrate how inheritance relationships in your code can be mapped to database tables.

Once you're done with this course, you'll be able to use nested collections within your entities and also map inheritance relationships in your code to meaningful representations using tables.

Java Persistence API: Executing Queries & Managing the Entity Lifecycle

In this course, you'll explore a variety of ways to execute queries using JPA. You'll run native queries, queries using JPQL, and queries using the Criteria API, which helps avoid syntax errors in your query specification.

Next, you'll examine how you can have entity-specific callback methods that can be invoked at different stages in the entity's lifecycle. When you are done with this course, you'll be able to perform complex queries on your database tables and manage your entity's lifecycle in a very granular manner.

Database Developer

  • Perform Database Developer tasks such as inserting records to a table, formating records for display and adding the JDBC's RowSet class. Then, configure Eclipse to build with Maven, examine update modes, build tables with Entity class and combine JDBC functionality to build collections.
  • This lab provides access to tools typically used by Database Developers, including:
  • - MySQL 5.7
  • - MySQL 8.0.23
  • - Mysql-connector-java-8.0.22
  • - MySQl Workbench 6.3
  • - MySQL Workbench 8
  • This lab is part of the Database Developer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Developer to Softwart Architect journey.

Final Exam: Database Developer

Final Exam: Database Developer will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Database Developer track of the Skillsoft Aspire Developer to App Architect Journey.

Course options

We offer several optional training products to enhance your learning experience. If you are planning to use our training course in preperation for an official exam then whe highly recommend using these optional training products to ensure an optimal learning experience. Sometimes there is only a practice exam or/and practice lab available.

Optional practice exam (trial exam)

To supplement this training course you may add a special practice exam. This practice exam comprises a number of trial exams which are very similar to the real exam, both in terms of form and content. This is the ultimate way to test whether you are ready for the exam. 

Optional practice lab

To supplement this training course you may add a special practice lab. You perform the tasks on real hardware and/or software applicable to your Lab. The labs are fully hosted in our cloud. The only thing you need to use our practice labs is a web browser. In the LiveLab environment you will find exercises which you can start immediatelyThe lab enviromentconsist of complete networks containing for example, clients, servers,etc. This is the ultimate way to gain extensive hands-on experience. 


Via ons opleidingsconcept bespaar je tot 80% op trainingen

Start met leren wanneer je wilt. Je bepaalt zelf het gewenste tempo

Spar met medecursisten en profileer je als autoriteit in je vakgebied.

Ontvang na succesvolle afronding van je cursus het officiële certificaat van deelname van

Krijg inzicht in uitgebreide voortgangsinformatie van jezelf of je medewerkers

Kennis opdoen met interactieve e-learning en uitgebreide praktijkopdrachten door gecertificeerde docenten


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What is included?

Certificate of participation Yes
Monitor Progress Yes
Award Winning E-learning Yes
Mobile ready Yes
Sharing knowledge Unlimited access to our IT professionals community
Study advice Our consultants are here for you to advice about your study career and options
Study materials Certified teachers with in depth knowledge about the subject.
Service World's best service


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